The last couple of weeks have been relatively slow. We're beginning to think we could dig and pour the darn pool ourselves and get it done quicker. Meanwhile the final design work on the balcony and new roof-line continue to delay that whole permit process on that part of the work. Thank goodness the front part of the house and dock continue to offer a still gorgeous vacation home! :)
Here was the pool area as it sat a week ago on Monday, September 10th. At least it was starting to take form.
Here it was at the end of the day Friday. Admittedly, there's a lot more re-barb, but still a long ways to go. Of interest, there's about 2 1/2 feet of water at the deep end of the pool in this picture. This is the level it rises to when there is only ONE 2 HP pump draining the water. It takes 2 of them pumping full time to keep the water all the way out of the new pool area. Of course, it's a totally different story once the pools poured and filled with it's own water, but for now it's a fascinating look at the geography of this area.
Meanwhile, they said they'd be back on Saturday ... and it was a no-show/no-call. And Monday was a no-show/no-call. Tomorrow Tina get's back on the phone to start asking "what's up" again. Meanwhile, Tina and I got busy again over the weekend tearing up the old shed. I think Tina looks her best when she's out showing off her muscles and working up a bit of a sweat. (Honestly, she looks pretty good all dressed up, clean, and with no-sweat ... but that's not for this blog.)
At the end of the day, we were left with the rotten wood foundation and not much else. If we can ever get our pool poured, we might be ready to get our new work shop done.
If you look at the above pic, the swampy area to the right and left of the pic are from the water being pumped from the new pool hole into the back yard. This pic is with only ONE of the TWO pumps running! It gets worse with both pumps running.
One last pic (which we sent out by email to a lot of people) is from Tina's Dad grave-site last weekend. Tina's Mom bought a light and a flag for his grave and it's a beautiful site to see. This time of year it's a shining light illuminating a flag on the hill as I drive down US 1 most mornings on my way to work. It's a nice reminder that life still goes on for all of us.
Until the next update (after Tina starts yelling enough at our pool contractor) happy fall time everybody ... and happy birthday Herman on the 30th of this month :)