Thursday, October 11, 2012

Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

Still trying to catch up some.  After we left Kaila's house :), we spent the better part of the day driving down to Marco Island where we stayed at the Hilton.   Tina and I like to travel during September because it's generally a LOT less crowded.  Well, it ends up Marco Island is so less crowded in September that somewhere around 80% of the local restaurants close down for the entire month and let the employees have a vacation.  We found enough places to keep us from starving and had a great time nonetheless.

On Wednesday while we were down there we drove up to a place 20 miles outside of Naples called Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary.  The boardwalk there takes you on a 2.5 mile journey through one of the most beautiful cypress swamp in the state.  Being September it was rather hot, but we're both pretty used to that.

The Entrance to the Sanctuary

The Border of the Cypress Swamp
About 15 minutes into our walk the rather large Barred Owl you see in the middle of this next pic came swooping down at me and flew about 5 feet from my head.  I'm not sure who spooked who more.  After he was a safe distance away, he was fine with me taking pics of him.

Barred Owl
Even with it being the middle of the day, we still managed to find one good sized alligator sunning out.  When you're in the middle of a swamp like that it's hard to find creatures amidst all the plants and trees, but at least we found one.

A 10 to 12 Foot Alligator (Center of Pic)
This second alligator was easier to find as he/she was only a couple feet off the boardwalk.  Being only 10 inches long, he didn't pose much of a threat ... just yet. 

A Cute Little 10 Inch Alligator
And then of course ... saving the best one for last.

The Best Looking Creature in the Swamp
We'll get back to posting some house pics here shortly ... if Tina ever manages to get our pool contractor going. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Visit with Kalia

Tina and I took a short vacation to celebrate our 26th anniversary on Sept. 27th, but on the way we stopped by to visit our youngest granddaughter Kalia.  While we were enjoying our visit with her, we also spent a little bit of time catching up with her parents, Kara and Chris.  :)  I didn't take a whole lot of pics there, but then you don't need to see too many pics to know that little miss Kalia is still adorable.

Get outta the way world.  I'm on a mission!
You sure you know how to do this, Mommy?
Yayyyy ... Grandma knows how to do it!!!

So thank goodness Grandma and I were there to help Kalia down the slide. :)  She gets bored sometimes having people push her around in the stroller, so she takes over and pushes the stroller herself.

Comeon Mommy!  You're holding me back!!!

Why's Grandpa taking pics?  Don't all kids push their own stroller?
 Anyway, we had a great visit and then followed that up with a week down in Marco Island.  Tha part will wait for another post.