Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Catching Up Again

Once again we've have fallen behind on posting (OK ... so maybe it's just me).  At Thanksgiving we had a big family get together at the house here, but I didn't get any decent pictures of the gathering.  I felt it was a bigger priority to get the deep fried turkey and smoked ham done right!  :)

In mid-December we made a visit over to Mom and Dad Drago's house and enjoyed spending the day at Lego Land.  It was our first time visiting the amusement park that replaced the famous Cyprus Gardens and it was quite impressive.  Most of the gardens have been restored which had to be a heck of a chore after sitting unattended for 3 years.  It was especially nice to see all the Christmas decorations and the numerous kids there visiting during there Christmas school break.

Dad and I at Lego Land
 At Christmas time we drove over to Kara and Chris's and dragged Mom and Dad Drago along with us.  We had a great Christmas dinner there and got to cook up some additional deep fried Turkey and Chickens later on that evening.  It was fun to watch Kalia enjoy the first Christmas where she really has some idea of what's going on.

Later on that week Kara and Chris drove over to our place after a visit to Chris's brother over in Orlando.  They stayed with us for the days leading up to New Years Eve.  During the visit Kalia became quite infatuated with our brass boy and girl statue out in the front garden.  She studied them for quite some time seemingly impressed with how quite and still they could stay sitting there reading a book.

You are Such a Pretty Girl!
After a good long while she finally got a bit frustrated with them staying on the same page for that long and decided they needed a bit of help to move on to the next page!  She didn't ever quite seem to be able to comprehend that the book wouldn't move on to the next page!  :)

Comeon!  Lets Move On to the Next Page!
 Later on that week Mom Hannan came up for a visit and we got a picture of 4 generations of the girls sitting around the statue.   Kalia was obviously more fascinated with the brass girl than any of her real life relatives.

Four Generations of Our Beautiful Women
At the same time Nephew John came down for a visit having spent a few days over at Mom and Dad Drago's and then coming over to our house.  On New Years Eve we had a nice, relatively quiet gathering with John, Kara and her family, and Jessica and her family.  It wasn't exactly quiet at midnight when somebody who will remain unnamed set off fireworks from the dock, but everybody seemed to have a good time nonetheless.

Nephew John and Tina
The Goofy Youngest Sisters
Believe it or not, we have started managing to make some more progress on the home improvement front ... but that will have to wait until another post.

1 comment:

  1. I was beginning to think that you had forgotten making a blog ;-) Nice pictures. Can't wait to see the home improvement pictures since it has been awhile since we've headed up there! Maybe we'll just have to come and visit soon!
