Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 17 - A Final Day in Wales

I actually thought I had posted this last vacation post a couple of weeks ago.  I guess that's what happens when you get older.  :)

Leaving Bath we drove 3 hours over to southern Wales and the town of Swansea.  By the time we got there it was too late to do much but we enjoyed the night at a beautiful hotel near the sea shore.  The next morning we got up early and after breakfast started the long drive around the coast line of southern Wales for the day.  Being our first time to that part of Britain we were simply blown away with the beauty of this coast line.  Our first stop was a nice hiking trail of perhaps 3 miles which took us over the cliffs overlooking the coastline.

The Coastline of Southern Wales
It was a bit cool on that day, but considered downright cold by Tina's standards.  The cows however thought it was a perfect day for laying out and relaxing.

Here Tina was all bundled up, I was wearing a light jacket, and the locals were in shorts and t-shirts.  :)

The hike ended up taking us up to an overlook of a place called Threecliff Bay which was another example of the beauty of this unique place.

Even the sheep thought it was a great day for sun bathing.

Driving on west around the coastline we stopped for lunch just in time to miss a light rainstorm.  Even then the cliff lines and water front was beautiful

The challenge driving around southern Wales is that most of the roads leading to the coast line are very narrow and windy.  Given I already had Tina speaking in a firm voice to me (i.e. yelling) about my driving abilities when you're on the left side of the road, having narrow wet roads to boot didn't help things.

The last stop of the drive was on the west coast of Wales at a beach known to be prime surfing area.  Mind you by now the temperature was down into the low 40's, there was a pretty steady rain, and it didn't feel anything like a Florida surfing day.  HOWEVER, there was a 20 mph wind coming out of the west, and Wales surfers never miss a day when there's a good wind making waves.


And then there was the long drive back all the ways across Wales and through England over to Heathrow Airport.  Our flight was at 7 AM the next morning so we spent our last night out at a hotel next to the airport before finally bringing our Scandinavian vacation to an end.

Until next time ...

So long and bye bye!

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