Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 4 - Saint Petersburg Day 1

OK ... so we're home now and I'm trying my best to catch up.  Cruises make it hard to do a daily post, particularly when you're paying a ridiculous amount per minute for internet access.  Regardless, I'll persevere.  :)

After an overnight cruise from Helsinki we arrived in Saint Petersburg Russia in the early morning hours.  We had a tour set up with my parents for the morning which took us through all the major areas of the town itself.  Seeing some of the Russian Orthodox Churches that we'd only seen in picture before was simply amazing.

Tina, Mom andDad
Church of the Spilled Blood
In the evening Tina and I did a tour out to Catherine the Greats Summer Palace about an hour outside of downtown.  Although beautiful and definitely worth visiting, it's also easy to see why the "common" people of Russia got a bit tired of the Czars living in such lavish styles.

The Main Entrance to Catherine the Greats Summer Palace

Catherine the Greats "Small" Summer Palace
At the entrance to her palace we were greeted with a fabulous band.

The Welcoming Band
And finally, our favorite room of the palace was the amber room.  It's a room where all the walls are completely covered with amber stones.  Pictures can do no justice to this room.

The Amber Room at the Palace

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