Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 7 - Estonia Bolognia

We had decided to explore Estonia on our own since none of the tours sounded that unique.  We were able to get to a nice walking area along the Baltic Sea and spent the morning just wandering around the coastline.

The Beaches of Estonia

Fishing in Estonia
You Looking at Me?!?
A Factory Being Torn Down
Somebody had mentioned to us that there was a maritime museum away from town where most people don't venture.  It was about a mile walk but well worth the effort.  There was all sorts of ice sailing boats, baltic boats from the 1800's, mines, torpedoes, a hover craft, and a soviet sub.  Unfortunately the lighting inside was mainly blue which didn't lend itself well to pictures so there's not a lot to show.

It did appear that the majority of people at the museum were locals and not foreign tourists.  That always works fine for us.  As we were leaving we met a local Mother and Grandmother who had brought their daughter to the museum.  When I asked if I could take a picture of her she hammed it up for the camera.

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