Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 14 - Coast to Coast

You know you're in central America when you can go Atlantic to Pacific in 4 hours.  If you ask a native Costa that's a really long drive.  In the states that's just getting started.

I left off on the maps somewhere along the way so here some catchup.  First the drive from Monteverde to Limon where the first 30 miles were back over the lovely dirt/rock roads.  Right after San Jose you pass over the continental divide next to the Turrialba Volcano before arriving at the flat lands that take you down to Limon.

The day trips from Limon took us down near the border of Panama.  This is where the town of Puerto Viejo and the final coast town of the Caribbean Costa is, Manzanillo.  The day trip to Tortuguero took us up to C on the map.  Actually, we drove a bit further than is shown, but google maps thinks there's no real roads beyond that point.

Finally on Wednesday we did another "long" coast to coast trek again to get to Manuel Antonio National Park just outside the town of Quepos.

About halfway down our Pacific coast part of the drive we encountered a group of perhaps 20 Macaw's.  Having never seen them in the wild this was quite a treat.

The coast line along here reminds us of a lot of the coasts we saw in Hawaii and California.  

Then we arrived at our home for the next 4 nights which is Falls Resort at Manuel Antonio.  This is a REALLY nice place.  The pics are of the balcony leading to our room and the gardens down below.


That's it for day 14.

Vivir como no hay mañana!

PS - a shout out to our granddaughter Kaylyn who love all kinds of animals, but particularly loves Huskys.   This pic was actually for Tortuguero but I forgot to post it on that day.

PPS - another shout out to our Yellow Lab granddog Kodi who's recovering from an operation to remove a fatty tumor.  I think you'd recover a lot better over in the warm waters of Tortuguero, Kodi!

1 comment:

  1. Kaylyn loved the picture! That was cool that you guys encounter macaws in the wild. Costa Rica looks like a lot of fun, especially the wildlife.
