Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 3 - The Saga of the Comeback Kid

Thankfully, the medicine seemed to really kick in and start to work for Tina.  Although she still has some congestion, it's at least broken up some and she's able to breath again.  She was feeling well enough that after breakfast we took an easy stroll down the beach.  Behind our hotel we met this friendly group of critters.

Excuse Me ... Can I Have Some Privacy Here?
About 18 Inches Long
Such a Nice Resting Spot

We had a trip on a catamaran planned for the afternoon and Tina figured she could do as well at taking it easy on that as she could staying at the hotel.   The trip took us past the point on the far end of the bay where our hotel is and around to a secluded beach area on the far side.

The Point at the North End of the Bay
The Far Side of the Point

Once there they had kayaking and snorkeling available.  Being a good patient, Tina stayed on board and took pictures.  The snorkeling was rather pointless since the water was too murky to see anything beyond about a foot.  I suspect even on the best of days it wouldn't come close to some of the swims we did in Hawaii.  Regardless, the water temperature was fantastic and relaxing.  

Afterwards they served a late lunch during which I snapped a picture of Tina.  As you can tell, she LOVES having her picture taken while eating.

Tina - Really? Me - Yep!

The Happy Vacationers

Waves Crashing on the Point
The trip back to the hotel provided good sailing winds for us and a number of other boats in the area.

The voyage is timed to arrive back shortly after sunset, affording ample opportunities to get some nice pictures on the way.  It's sooooo nice to have digital technology that allows for a gazillion pics being reduced down to just a few for the blog.

The Prettiest Girl on the Boat

A Beautiful Sunset Sail
With Tina doing so much better we went back to our original plan and will leave for the Aerenal Volcano today (Sunday).  That gives her another full day of rest before any more possible activities.  So until the next post, hasta luego.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad mom is starting to feel better and hopefully she continues to improve. Bronchitis and pneumonia both are not fun! The place looks beautiful and that is really cool that you have monkeys and huge lizards right outside your hotel. Love you guys and stay safe!
