Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 2 - A Minor (Hopefully) Set Back

For the last 2 weeks before we left Florida Tina and I were both suffering through pretty bad colds (as it seems was half of Melbourne.  Tina got hers about 3 days after mine (you're welcome honey) and since mine was about cleared up by the time we drove to Miami, we expected Tina's would be shortly after arriving in Costa.  When we got here there was a pretty big fire near the Liberia airport which we found out was the burning off of sugar fields getting them ready for harvest.  Reference here if you're interested in why they do this:

The smoke from that fire really irritated Tina's lingering cough and chest cold.  Furthermore, the road in front of the hotel here (and most of the roads around for that matter) aren't well maintained and as such dust gets thrown into the air any time a vehicle passes by.  We did walks on that road twice on Thursday to and from Tamarindo.  Unfortunately the dust just aggravated her condition even more.

By Friday morning her entire chest was tight and she couldn't get a full breath.  We ended up finding a doctor in town and he did a thorough exam.  His prognosis was either bronchitis or pneumonia.   If it's the first, she needs 3 or 4 days of complete rest while on antibiotics and other medications.  He indicated for pneumonia it might require 3 weeks of bed rest.  That's not totally consistent with what I've read online, but it's also not something we feel like challenging if she doesn't start seeing some significant improvement.  The only way to tell for sure if it's pneumonia is with a chest x-ray but that would require driving all the way back to Liberia.  Since we don't have our rental car yet, we're going to fore-go that until we see the doctor again on Monday.  That will leave us here in Tamarindo for an extra day and take a day away from our next stop at Aerenal Volcano, but that's a small price to pay if this clears it up.  On the bright side, if the medications don't clear her up, we're pretty confident that volcanic gases will do the trick.  :)

So besides being up for 30 minutes at breakfast, an hour for the doctor visit, and 30 minutes for lunch, Tina slept the entire day away until about 4 PM.  I managed a few long beach hikes while she was sleeping. 

On the way back from one of the hikes I took that aforementioned dusty road.  Huge mistake.  The temperatures not bad here during the day if you have a nice ocean breeze blowing on you.  The minute you're 100 feet away from the beach it is oppressively hot.

By late afternoon Tina was starting to feel a bit better so we hung out pool side for a while and then enjoyed a BBQ on the beach that evening put on by the hotel. 

Even when she's sick, she's still a great looking wife.  So until next time, so long from myself and my wounded wing-woman!

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