Friday, October 9, 2015

Leaf Change - Day 19 - Peak Mountain

Wednesday October 7th was another beautiful day and Tina and I were feeling a bit more recovered from the hike 2 days before.  Where we headed out for wasn't going to be too terribly bad, although it did include climbing up 1000 feet in altitude.  That's still better than 2000 feet. :)

 Say hi Tina!

The quiet brook.

A hollowed out tree with green leafs and growth up at the top of the tree.

 And then we made it to the top of peaked mountain.

 A video of the view from the top.

A panorama from the top.

Until next time, keep on yodeling.

Leaf Change - Day 18 - Echo Lake and Cathedral Ledge

The long hike meant we didn't get to our B&B in Conway NH until around 8 that evening.  Fortunately that B&B had a Jacuzzi so after a quick dinner we tried to soak out some of the aches from the climb.

The next morning we were still sore, but not immobile ... and we knew if we didn't get to moving we'd be stiff all day.  However, we decided just to walk to a few local places rather than taking trails.  The workers at the B&B thought we were nuts to not take our car.

They have 8 to 10 hour inner-tube trips they take down this lazy river. I'd last 2 seconds in that cold water ... tube or not.

Crystal clear water.

Echo Lake is a state park about a mile from the B&B and offers tremendous reflective views of the surrounding scenery. 

A panoramic view of the entire lake.

Continuing on up the road you come closer to the cliffs above the lake.

I almost missed it in the above pic, but as I stared closer at the rocks I saw a climber I was able to zoom in on.

Not sure about that "What the hell am I supposed to do now?" look on his face.

Now, here's the part where we cheated.  The road continues on up the mountain until it gets to the top of those cliffs.  We started walking a little ways but both of our legs were screaming at us to be more reasonable.  So we walked back into town, ate some lunch, took a nap, and then drove up to the top of the cliffs.

This is the view of Echo Lake from the top.

Until next time, keep your forehead dry.

Leaf Change - Day 17 - A Challenging Hike on the Way to New Hampshire

We packed up and left Burlington, headed over to the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire.  On the way we decided to do a quick hike on Camels Hump State Park while still in Vermont.  It would end up being anything BUT a quick hike.

Parked out in parking area was a fancy Mercedes all-terrain vehicle which had traveled all over the world.

And then a nice little warning at the start of the trail.

2.4 miles seems reasonable, until you find out that it includes approximately 2000 feet of elevation rise and half of that rise occurs in the last half mile.  Fortunately we didn't know that until we got to the last half mile.  :)  From the looks of the beginning of the trail, we figured maybe 2.5 to 3 hours ought to suffice.

Tina's totally drenched in deet to keep the ticks away.

A decorative pile of rocks made up by some of the fellow hikers.

With about a mile to go the trail got much more rockier and steeper to boot.

And then for the last half mile it just got to be a pure rock faced trail.

Tina struggling up the roughest part of the hike.

And then you're at the top ...

...and oh what a  sight it offers.

The last 100 feet or so are all above the tree line offering a beautiful view in all directions.  We were told by a local guide person who stays at the summit during the day to provide info to climbers that this was one of the rare days when there was little wind and no fog or clouds of any significance to interfere with the view.

And then it was back down the 2.4 mile trail to get to the car again.  Total time of a little over 5 hours. According to Tina's fit-bit, the 4.8 miles of the trail actually took us closer to 8 miles to cover since we had to go from side to side on so many of the rock portions of the trail.  Totally enjoyable, but we felt totally whipped by the time we got back to the car.

Leaf Change - Day 16 - Hello Burlington VT

Burlington has a gorgeous waterfront area that includes a 15 mile long bike/walking path.  Tina and I didn't do the whole 15 miles, but we did about 4 or 5 of it.

The sailboats out on Lake Champlain.  

 A dog having fun frolicking in the cold water.

Wild blueberries.

The mountains of upper New York in the background.

A playful college student keeping his husky in winter shape.

Until next time, don't laugh too hard.