Tina had wanted to do another whale watching trip. I was a bit hesitant since we'd already done one but once the plane trip was a goner we decided to go ahead and do it. Both of us were super happy we made that decision. With apologies to our southern Iceland whale watchers, it's much MUCH better up here in the north.
I'll also apologize ahead of time since this is WAY more pics than I would normally post, but this was just an amazing set of photo opportunities ... and I still deleted 98% of the pics I took.
Dressed up in our sexy wet suits.
Tina on our way out onto the fjord. Sexy looking as always.
Beautiful cliff lines alone the fjord.
A nice house with a view.
Waterfalls along the way. (Imagine - waterfalls in Iceland!)
Blow holes in the distance. We know where we're heading.
And then we saw our first hump-back whale. (Ignore the girls head in front of me. It was a rather confined space. 😀 )
Hump backs don't normally hang out together, but we saw a total of 8 different whales who seemed to be hanging together.
Seeing them dive is just an amazing sequence to watch.
A couple more big breathes.
More diving fun.
And again.
And finally, how do you get so lucky as to get two at once.
That's all for today. So glad we went whale watching again.
absolutely amazing!